
Labonville Kevlar/Poly Chaps

  • Sale
  • Regular price $125.99

This garment contains pads of cut-retardant material designed to reduce the risk or severity of injury to the body parts covered by the pads in the event of contact with a rotating chain. The fibers in the pads provide extra layers of material and are designed to rip apart when they come into contact with a moving chain and to clog the sprocket and stop the chain in certain circumstances.
  • ASTM F1897 Specification for leg protection 11BF
  • 63% Polyster, 150 Denier
  • 32% Polypropylene, 1000 Denier
  • 5% Kevlar, 1440 Denier
  • Loose knit
Sizing your chaps: Measure from your belt to your instep and order chaps by their “overall length.”