Vertical Supply Co

Pelican Tree Viper Climbing Rope

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The Tree Viper™ is a hand-spliced 24 unique strand rescue rope. This rope looks great, and provides easy knotability and zero milking. The bright colors on the rope ensures excellent visibility.

The incredibly strong cover of the rescue rope is smooth running over sheaves, providing reduced drag through gears for faster ascending and finer controls on descends. The nylon core holds knots better and stronger, due to its stretch and texture.

Double-ply braid features abrasion and chemical resistant polyester cover over a strong nylon. The polyester cover provides excellent UV protection, high abrasion resistance, and unmatched durability.

 Diameter 7/16" (11.8mm)
Breaking Strength 6,300 lbs
Weight per 100' 7.0 lbs
Construction 24-Strand
Material (Cover/Core) Polyester/Nylon